Jennifer Kimball


Thank you for so many orders of the pre-release, limited edition, handmade version of Avocet. We've sold out!
But don't despair - the manufactured version of Avocet, designed and illustrated by my friend Paul Montie is not only beautiful but it's supply NOT limited! We'll ship it to you mid February. Get yours now HERE!

JOIN the party! Crowdfunding IS the bees knees. Crowdfunding is THE MOVE. It's a group THANG. When you pre-order Avocet through pledgemusic you are becoming part of a FABULOUS GROUP of supporters, who by pre-ordering the record are helping to ensure that the songs go further than local radio and clubs! Together you all are funding the creation and the promotion of the record. We'd love to get "Saturday Day" on the radio in your city. So -

Make a pledge today and THREE things will happen:
1. you'll be able to watch a beautifully-edited, live video of "Saturday Day" on the pledgemusic site - as well as see/hear/read all the other exclusive updates that only pledgers have access to
2. you can hear the whole album RIGHT AWAY because you get a digital download of Avocet with every pledge
3. for the next week - EVERYONE who pledges will get a copy of Union Square Somerville Playlist, a compilation cd of songs from artists who live here in Union Sq. Somerville [including me, esteemed spouse Ry Cavanaugh, Dub Apocalypse, Gabrielle Agachiko, Jess Tardy, Audrey Ryan, Libana, the Resophonics, Aurora Birch...] This offer is good through the Women's March on Washington.

AND there are cool 'rewards' to purchase as well; most ONLY AVAILABLE on this pledgemusic campaign like, for example: a book of Billy Collins' poems autographed by the former PLOTUS himself, tix to a private, catered, cd-release party/show in Cambridge 2/12, a harmony lesson by skype or in person, a postcard from me on the road, house concerts, hand-written lyrics, a 12-song compilation cd/download of some favorite songs w/ favorite vocal harmonies I've had the privelage to sing...

Avocet needs your help! Join the pledgemusic party and help us get this piece of work OUT THERE.

See you on tour
